Youth Group For Peace is established by a group of Facebook users who share the same faith and conscience of patriotism for our beloved country and people that have been suffering from wars, violations both physically and mentally, intimidation, injustice, murder, deceiving, corruption, impunity and poverty caused by the leaders of the country who lack political commitment and willingness to bring Cambodia out of these unfortunate states.
As we have noticed, Cambodia nowadays is on the crossroad and facing a severe threat its own existence. Therefore we've come up with an idea that we would rather act than keep silent and sorrowfully complain to each other about those problems mentioned above. We are going to mobilize youth to join us in order to make the government more accountable to the voters by registering more seats from multi-political parties to ensure voice to demand for a check and balance, through helping the opposition party to win or at least gets substantial number of seats ( more than 1/3 seats ) in the parliament in the coming national election in July 2013. To realize this goal, firstly we organize trips to sensitive places where there are lots of Vietnamese people living, to the border where foreign encroachment from the neighboring countries is prominent, and the places where there are violations, intimidation and injustice such as land grabbing, forced evacuation so that it would trigger patriotism to youth.Moreover, we also do some charity work to help people who need help badly, especially the orphans and people with disabilities. Secondly we are going to train them to be able to campaign during election campaign period, which is 30 days prior to the election day. Thirdly we are going to try all the way to spread our message, a wake-up call from for a better change for our country.
Throughout the world, we've noticed that youth is the major movement of change, for instance, the Arab Spring that Tunisian and Egyptian youth's movement, which recently toppled the dictatorship successfully really inspires us to get involved in rescuing our country in time. As a result, we are determined that our movement will partly help change and develop the country in terms of democracy, human rights and standard of living of our people peacefully.
Eventually we hope that you, the readers, contribute at your very own sake anything you can including financial support, your opinions, your mental support so that we can carry on our movement to achieve our goal successfully in the name of Khmer Youth.
Faithfully Yours,
Youth Group For Peace
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